Farrah Abraham Tests Positive for Drugs, FREAKS Out on Live TV

We already told you about Farrah Abraham’s barely coherent denials that she’s either a porn star or a junkie. No one rants like Farrah rants.

Well, as you’ll see in the clip that we’ve included, she gets to see the results of her drug test on Face The Truth.

Farrah tests positive for barbiturates, and to absolutely no one’s surprise, she does not handle it well.

On Face The Truth, Judge Mary Chrzanowski prefaces the results with a very important disclaimer.

"I’d like to first say before I give the results that some tests we can take and be very specific about what the drug is — such as cocaine, such as marijuana," Scary Mary explains. "And others it’s more of a generalization.”

Then come the results. While Debra Danielsen’s drug test came back negative, Farrah was another story.

“She did test positive for barbiturates," Judge Mary shares. "But that could be a prescribed drug. So, if her doctor legally prescribed a barbiturate for her, that’s fine."

Farrah appears to be shocked, saying: "I’m sorry, what?"

It’s up to host Vivica A. Fox to break it down for Farrah.

"She said that, basically, you tested positive," Vivica explains. "But that could have been the result of you being — listen, listen — before you go, just listen."

Farrah protests: "I’m confused."

"Just listen to me baby,” Vivica urges her. “That could’ve been something that you got from a doctor, that maybe you were prescribed — a muscle relaxer or something like that. But, you did test positive for a barbiturate."

This is where we’d explain what a barbiturate is, but Dr. Judy Ho beat us to the punch.

"OK, so Farrah," she explains. "A barbiturate is a central nervous system depressant. There’s some prescribed medications, so maybe you can show me your list of medications later and we can take a look."

While Dr. Judy Ho is trying to help diffuse the situation, Farrah is growing increasingly upset … and starts spinning conspiracy theories.

"So," Farrah says. "I don’t think either that’s mine, and I have to just say, did someone confuse something?"

"I have to be that blunt," Farrah says. "I have to be that blunt at this moment in my life up here. I’m sorry if it sounds so crazy.”

“Or if someone," Farrah begins to accuse. "I am so laughing out loud right now."

Vivica has to poke fun at that, saying: "Let me tell you ‘LOL,’ did you think that, what, one of us just went and peed in a cup for you and made you just come up with a barbiturate test?"

"No," Farrah says. "I’m asking you what the hell’s going on by you saying that if I’m not taking it?"

That is … a very Farrah Abraham style of sentence.

Dr. Judy Ho asks: "Do you take any, like, aids for sleep or anything like that?"

Farrah replies: "No."

"OK," the doctor says. "Any mood stabilizers, or –"

Nada, Farrah insists.

"Nothing like that?" Dr. Judy Ho asks. "You have no other prescriptions?"

Farrah says that she does not.

At this point, Judge Mary Chrzanowski no longer seems entertained by Farrah’s denials.

Scary Mary says: "Let’s just say it was a false positive and leave it at that, because we’re not gonna win with her."

This is just supposed to be a way out, to end the dispute, the equivalent of saying "yes dear" to your family to avoid conflict.

Farrah seems to miss Judge Mary’s meaning, and asks why the test gave a false positive — and is clearly the only person in the room who doesn’t understand that they’re just humoring her protests.

Dr. Judy tries to tell her to follow up with her doctor, but Farrah rambles over her, declaring her intent to "follow up with the producers who actually initiated this."

